
Creation Objectives

  • The Forest Law N ° 7575, in article 46 creates the FONAFIFO and establishes its objective in the following terms:

  • "ARTICLE 46.- Creation of the National Forestry Financing Fund.

    The National Forestry Financing Fund is created, whose objective will be to finance, for the benefit of small and medium producers, through credits or other mechanisms to promote forest management, intervened or not, the processes of afforestation, reforestation, forest nurseries, agroforestry systems, recovery of denuded areas and technological changes in the use and industrialization of forest resources.

    The National Fund for Forest Financing will have instrumental legal status; unless the cooperating person or donor establishes different conditions for the beneficiaries. "

Objectives of the Institutional Strategic Plan

  • Strengthen organizational capacities for the administration and design of environmental financing mechanisms.


  • Increase sources of resources for financing environmental services.


  • Maintain the provision of environmental services through permanent financing in areas of priority interest.


  • Support forest productive activity by strengthening the capacities of those who provide environmental services.