Completed projects

Ecomarkets I

In 2008, Law N ° 8058 "Approval of the loan contract signed between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica" is promulgated, in which a donation from the IBRD is received for an amount of up to $ 32,630,000.00.

The final financing of the project was :

The final financing of the project was:

  • Credit for $ 32.6 million from the World Bank.
  • $ 8 million grant from the Environment Fund (GEF).
  • National Counterparty US $ 8.6 million.
  • Total $ 49.2 million

Ecomarkets II

The evaluations carried out by the panels of experts on the Ecomercados I project showed highly satisfactory results on its execution and achievements. However, there was the possibility of making improvements in aspects such as demand, supply, equity and monitoring of projects.

In 2008, Law No. 8640 "Approval of Loan Agreement No. 7388-CR and its annexes between the Republic of Costa Rica and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)" was enacted, where it agrees to provide the Costa Rica Government, the sum of $ 30,000,000.00 and grants the donation in the amount of $ 10,000,000.00.

The final financing of the project was :

The final financing of the project was:

  • Credit for $ 30 million from the World Bank.
  • $ 10 million grant from the Environment Fund (GEF).
  • National counterparty $ 72.2 million
  • Other sources: $ 8.5 million.
  • Total $ 120.7 million.

Huetar Norte forest project

The KfW-Huetar Norte financing proposal dates back many years before the signing of the agreement, when an integral forest development project was proposed with technical assistance in forest management, reforestation, wood processing and commercialization.

After the creation of Fonafifo, the original idea of a loan was changed to favor the sustainable management of forest resources and reduce the problems of forest use and the loss of biodiversity, through a different model of investment, allocating the 100 % of resources to expand and conserve the forest areas and in which the protection of forests would be privileged.


Es en el año 2003 que se aprueba la Ley N°8355 “Aprobación del convenio entre el gobierno de la República Federal de Alemania y el gobierno de la República de Costa Rica sobre cooperación financiera-Proyecto Forestal Huetar Norte”, con el cual se acordaba que el Gobierno Alemán a través del KfW Bankengruppe aportaría fondos no reembolsables, para  cofinanciar el 70%  de los Pagos que por contratos de Servicios  Ambientales (PSA) que  se colocaran en el Área de Conservación Huetar Norte y la Subregión Sarapiquí del  Área de Conservación Cordillera Volcánica Central y  el 30% restante lo aportaría el Estado costarricense  como contraparte del programa.

The final financing of the project was :

  • Donation of $ 7.14 million KfW Bankengruppe (70%).
  • Costa Rican contribution of $ 3.06 million (30%).
  • Total $ 10.2 million.