Requirements to enroll in PSA

Application in writing to the respective Regional Office for admission to the PSA (use the PSA Application Form).

With the following information: full name of the owner and/or co-owners; legal qualities such as: complete civil status, number of ID of the owners, profession, address of all co-owners and also the socioeconomic aspects of all owners.

Indicate also, if you have a special power. Also, if the payment process will be carried out directly with Fonafifo or with the intermediation of an organization. Include the PSA activity to be submitted (Protection, Reforestation and/or SAF), the area or trees to be submitted, registry data of the farm (real folio(s) number(s) and map number(s)), administrative location of the farm (province-canton-district) and place to hear notifications (preferably telephone, fax and/or email) of the applicant.

Also indicate if you have limitations with the INDER or any debt with state or private banks. In the case of anonymous societies, the following information is required from the legal representative: full name of the representative(s), complete civil status, identification number, profession and address, the socioeconomic aspects of all legal representatives.

For each PSA Activity either (Protection and/or Reforestation) or SAF you must submit the application separately.

Application in writing to the respective Regional Office for admission to the PSA (use the PSA Application Form).

In this form the following information is written: full name of the owner (a) and / or co-owners (as); legal qualities such as: complete civil status, number of owners' certificate (as), profession or trade and address of all co-owners (as).

Indicate also, if you have a special power. Also, if the payment process will be carried out directly with FONAFIFO or with the intermediation of an organization.

In the case of corporations, also indicate the qualities of the legal representative: full name (s), complete civil status, ID number (s), profession or trade and address of all legal representatives.

Also indicate if you have limitations with the I.D.A. or any debt with state or private banks.

Under these conditions, only the PSA - Protection modality can be applied, indicating the area to be submitted, registration data of the farm (plan number (s)), administrative location of the farm (province-canton-district) and place to hear notifications (preferably telephone, fax and / or email of the applicant).

Visible photocopy of the current physical ID of the owner (a) and / or co-owners (as). Or, a visible photocopy of the legal identity card and also a photocopy of the legal representative (s).

Copy on both sides of the registered map.

Certificate of the surveyed plan of the property in possession or plan prepared by the Institute of Agrarian Development (IDA). Without exception, the cadastral plans that are provided must be certified by the MINAET, through SINAC, which will attest to whether the property is within or outside protected wildlife areas.

Letter of sale protocolized before a public notary with certain date of acquisition of the property, if such was the way of acquisition or being registered owners of the IDA, declared beneficiaries and successful bidders. In the event that the possessor is an originator or does not have the transfer documents with the established formalities, he must present the affidavit of three witnesses that document in detail, the origin and the activities of the possession exercised. These statements must be recorded in a public deed. You can also present any other document about judicial processes or before public institutions that clearly demonstrate the possession of the land.

Sworn statement before a public notary of the applicant holder that contains; description of the nature of the property, location by; province, canton, hamlet local population, indication of the full names of all the current adjoining ones, number of registered map, measurement, time of possession, mode of acquisition and description of the possessory acts.

Affidavit, authenticated by lawyers, of at least three of the adjoining properties, in which they indicate to know of the possession with the adjoining one, and have no conflict or dispute over said adjoining or its boundary, near or similar. In cases where the boundary is natural or a public road, no declaration is required. When the limitation is a public entity, an official note by the corresponding authority will suffice, where the stipulations of this article are indicated. If the boundary is with a protected area, only the presentation of a note issued by the director of the respective conservation area will proceed.